Summa Caussa Is A Portfolio Company of nFLXn Point Group
A Comprehensive Audit For Your Development Program Work With An Experienced Team.
We sat down with two very experienced Senior Executives that have worked within the Non-Profit Sector, Tom Frazier, President of Summa Caussa and Chuck May – Founder of nFLXn Point Group.
Summa Caussa is a portfolio company of nFLXn Point Group. We had a conversation about how philanthropy has changed, and some of the hot topics that are being discussed at board level and with major donors, individuals and corporate sponsors.
What Should A Non-Profit Focus On?
What is Tom Frazier's Experience
What is a Development Program Audit?
Experienced Leadership In The Non-Profit Industry
Do Non-Profits Have A Stable Income?
Why Is This So Important?
Work with a Third Party
Alternative Strategies

What is Summa Caussa?
What Can Be Done Today?
What Are The Risks of Doing Nothing?
The Value of a Consultancy

How Has Philanthropy Changed?
What is Philanthropy In Todays World?
Contact A Specialist

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