Business Class Insights is our feature section where we spotlight specific topics that our Insights team identify as subjects that are of interest to our readers, listeners and viewers.
These focused sections feature subject matter experts and we create specific custom content pieces that align our sponsors with that topic.
We share the section and the individual content to our various social media channels, including LinkedIn, Facebook for Business, YouTube and other valid content platforms.
We Collect Leads And Pass Them To Our Sponsors
On each “Insights” subject page we place a lead capture form, which can be used by interested readers to request information, with the leads being routed through our Insights Team, who work with our sponsors to help generate Sponsor revenue.
We encourage our sponsors to develop a “Value Item”, such as a white paper or a special offer, as an incentive for readers to enter their contact information.
What Is Incuded
We work with you to create a content calendar for a 4-month period.
Your company gets four (4) video segments recorded via our Skype Digital Studio, one (1) per month.
Your video is placed on our YouTube channel, and is embedded in a monthly article with is published on Business Class News, and if relevant, on Business Class Security.
We extract the audio from these videos and convert them into podcasts.
Over the past five (5) years we have established the show Link’d AM on all the major podcast channels, including, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Spotify and other platforms that have picked up our show.
Your features will be placed on our main website www.BusinessClassNews.com, which has a very loyal following and a readership that is growing every month.