Book Review: Behemoth – Amazon Rising
Karl had a fascinating conversation with Dr. Robin Gaster, the author of his book that is an insight into this interesting organization, Amazon. The phases that Dr. Gaster takes us through can be used to help businesses plan their own growth strategies. Amazon is the most extraordinary business story of our time. In 25 years, […]

2020 Book of the Year Announced – Well Aware – Author George Finney
We love reviewing books and there are some amazing topics, authors and publications out there that make a difference in peoples lives, and this year the Editors Book of the Year 2020 has been awarded to George Finney’s book – Well Aware. Our publisher, Karl Woolfenden had the pleasure of interviewing George, and you can […]

Review: The Unstoppable Startup. Do You Have “Chutzpah”?
Karl had a great conversation with Uri Adoni, the author of a book called “The Unstoppable Startup”, and they discussed why Uri wrote the book, and his explanation of why Israel has such a high successful startup eco-system. Israel is often referred to as the “startup nation,” and is a global leader in research and […]